Newsletter N°7 - Fabienne Monclar : Her experience in Nigeria

 To see newsletter N°7, click here.


What a wonderful thing it is to support our African missions!


At the same time as France is gripped by election fever, Christians continue to be persecuted, with relatively little fuss made, whether it be in the Middle East or in Africa. The need to help Africa, spiritually and through education, has never been so strong. It is the role of the Catholic missions to perform this task. The mission in Lagos, which you can read more about here, is a good example.  


You will also discover in this update, Fabienne Monclar who has recounted to us with passion and talent her experiences as the wife of an operational soldier in Africa in her book “Une blanche avec sa croix” (A white woman with her cross), a work which I recommend to you all. Our projects are numerous and so our young association is in need of restructuring in order to be more effective. To this effect a website has just been launched in order to increase our visibility and thus be able to reap more fruits. 


I take this occasion to thank all of our volunteers who put their talents and their expertise at our disposal as well as all our donors whose aid is invaluable for our African missions. France, through its history and its Catholic culture, is obliged to continue to help these missions which are calling for our aid.


Jean-Benoît de Lacoste , president of the association